Best Months: |
May, June, July, August, September |
Wind Type: |
Thermal, Frontal |
Best Direction: |
SE, SSE, S, NW |
Main Direction: |
N, SE, W, WNW, NW, NNW |
Spring wind is best when a.m. buoys are 25+ at Bodega, wind is steady from 11am-2pm 15-20, afternoon wind is usually too gusty. Summer is great when there is NW wind and fog 10-20. Winter is good on Southerlies usually in the am. 10-15. Stinson is a big long beach and the wind usually blows side-onshore out of the Northwest. When heading out, don't go more than 100 ft. outside of the breaking waves as the wind gets very unpredictable out there.