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Ruben Len10 Riding in Dakhla
At the extreme south of Morocco, between the desert and the ocean Dakhla Attitude's Hotel is situated at the "Point of the Dragon" at the end of the lagoon. It is a haven for wind and water sports, nautical adventures, desert excursions and delicious fresh seafood -- a Wind Paradise with more than 3...
Added November 9, 2014 / rating 0 / views 520 / comments 0
Youri Zoon Freestyle Sessions 2012 - Dakhla Morocco
Kite Morocco held the Youri Zoon Freestyle Sessions Part 2 in July of 2012. The camp was held in Dakhla Morocco at the Ocean Vagabond Camp. An epic week of kiting, laughs and new friends from around the globe!
Added October 24, 2014 / rating 0 / views 971 / comments 0
KS Kite & Surf Trip: Mision Marruecos
Las Kite Sisters nos vamos a explorar las exóticas tierras marroquíes, en un Trip que te abrirá la mente al deporte, historia y cultura... los días de Kite y Surf se van a mezclar con el mundo de la ciudad fortificada de Essaouira, sus playas de arena fina y ventosas; su gente, música, arte, sabores...
Added October 24, 2014 / rating 0 / views 670 / comments 0
Jerome Cloetens - Dakhla 2011
I have been training in dakhla this last week ,this is a short movie about it , enjoy !!!! :)
Added October 23, 2014 / rating 0 / views 489 / comments 0