
I want to be find someone to share a ride/room/holiday etc, where can I find someone?

We added a great tool for you to find someone to share costs.
No matter if a daily ride to a spot, a longer car ride to a different country, a boat trip, a room, apartment, rental car etc.

You can find other people in the Rider section of every Spot.

Here users are shown who added the spot to My Map.

Future: riders who will be riding this spot in the future. Important is to add a date when you are visiting, so you can find other riders to meet up and share rentals etc.

Look up the Future riders of a spot and get in touch with them via private message to find out if you can share something.

To add yourslef as Future Rider, you have to add a new spot to your personal My Map.

Click HERE on how to add a spot to your map.

Choose Future as Type and add the info from when to when you will be travelling to a certain spot.